The detection dog programmes train experienced and inexperienced handlers and their canine(s) to operate as a successful detection dog unit. All detection dog programmes include:

In-depth training and certification in all aspects of canine behaviour.

Handling, training and employing a passive indication detection canine.

In-depth training for both the handler and canine to utilise efficient search sequences when searching humans, cargo, premises, and other areas.

Extensive training of the canine to detect the odours of that specific programme, e.g. explosives detection, narcotics detection, etc.
The following fields of detection programmes are available:

EDD: Explosives Detection Dog

MDD: Mine Detection Dog

TEDD: Tactical Explosives Detection Dog

PBEDD: Person Borne Explosives Detection Dog

VBEDD: Vehicle Borne Explosives Detection Dog

NDD: Narcotic Detection Dog

ESDD: Electronic Storage Detection Dog

BDD: Blood Detection Dog

SDD: Semen Detection Dog

FDD: Firearms Detection Dog

CDD: Currency Detection Dog

CHDD: Concealed Human Detection Dog

HRDD: Human Remains Detection Dog

SAR: Search and Rescue Dog

TD: Tracking Dog

WCDD: Wildlife and Conservation Detection Dog

TDD: Tobacco Detection Dog

BBDD: Bed Bugs Detection Dog

PDD: Pyrotechnics Detection Dog
Other programmes
Train the trainer programme
The Canine Train the Trainer Programme trains experienced instructors to function as a canine trainer in the preferred discipline. The Train the Trainer programme includes:
Instructor training and maintenance programme
The Instructor Programme trains experienced instructors and handlers to operate as a canine instructor in the preferred disciplines. The instructor programme includes:
Patrol dog programme
The Patrol dog programme trains experienced and inexperienced handlers and their canine(s) to operate as a successful patrol dog unit. The Patrol dog programme includes:
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